Minor in Possession

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Auburn Minor in Possession Lawyer

Experienced Washington State criminal defense. Protect your driving record. All driving crimes handled (844) 311-8605

Don't let MIP arrest or criminal charge affect your future employment opportunities.

An MIP may not be the most serious charge, but you should take it seriously. A criminal conviction will hurt your next job application. We can help.

Minor in Possession

While underage drinking might be common, it does not mean that the government takes it lightly. MIPs are gross misdemeanors which have a maximum penalty of 364 days in jail and a $5,000. Often times an MIP is the first interaction a young person has had with the police and the court system so it is understandable to be scared and not know what to do. If you have questions and concerns, do not hesitate to contact one of our criminal attorneys.

An MIP can be charged not just for alcohol. They can also be charged when in possession of drugs under the age of 21, including marijuana. The term “possesses” also not just having it in your actual hands. It could simply that you have the odor of alcohol on your breath or that you are near a container with alcohol in it or with alcohol recently in it.

A classic situation is a group of kids under 21 goes camping and there is alcohol there. A ranger then strolls up to the camp site and checks everyone’s age. Even if you were not caught with a beer in hand, if your breath smells like alcohol or if you admitted to some of the beer being yours, you can be charged.

There can also be consequences with your license if you are convicted of MIP or enter into certain types of diversion agreements. If it is an alcohol related MIP and you are under 18, your license will be suspended. If it is drug related and you are under 21 years old, that will also result in a suspension.

You are facing serious consequences. No one should have to worry about how a criminal record will impact their life after high school or after college. Call our law offices to discuss your case.

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