Patronizing a Prostitute

Get the Personal Attention Your Case Deserves

I’ve Been Charged With Patronizing a Prostitute. What Will Happen to Me? 

Aggressive Seattle patronizing a prostitute attorneys who will fight your charge.

When someone faces a criminal charge, there is often social stigma and even embarrassment – especially when the presumed offender is charged with patronizing a prostitute. Such charges often result in unwanted public attention and criticism.

Our Seattle patronizing a prostitute attorneys know what you are going through. We have spent over three decades providing experienced, professional, and aggressive criminal defense representation.

If you are facing Seattle patronizing a prostitute charges, we want you to know that accepting the charges is not your only option. We are here to help.

Patronizing a prostitute is a misdemeanor in the state of Washington.

Generally, this charge involves the act of soliciting or paying another to engage in sexual conduct. It is important to be aware that even the act of soliciting a prostitute is enough to be pressed with these charges. Additionally, if payment was not made, you can still be charged for patronizing a prostitute.

This type of misdemeanor can be punishable with jail time and/or fines. While in Seattle Patronizing a Prostitute is only a misdemeanor, having this type of sentence can be highly consequential for you if court proceedings are not handled correctly and with experienced legal representation.

If your Seattle patronizing a prostitute case involves a prostitute under the age of 14, you will face felony charges. These types of charges are much more severe and punishable by up to four years in jail.

Our team of Seattle patronizing a prostitute attorneys are prepared to fight against all the possible consequences to you if you face these charges. Consequences may include:

  • Extensive prison terms. As Washington's sentencing guidelines for sex-related crimes have grown stricter over the years. Therefore it is rare for any judge to look on your case in a lenient manner.
  • Personal shame and social stigma. News travels fast, especially when a Seattle patronizing a prostitute case is involved. Your friends, family, neighbors, acquaintances, and business associates may treat you differently regardless of whether the allegations are true or not.
  • A mark on your permanent record. Your Seattle patronizing a prostitute lawyers will do everything possible to keep from having your record permanently marked with a misdemeanor charge of this nature, since it can dramatically influence future plans and opportunities.

Why Hire a Seattle Patronizing a Prostitute Lawyer?

If you are in need of effective prostitution criminal defense, we know what it takes to protect your rights and provide you with the aggressive defense you deserve. Don’t allow your future to be left in the hands of a judge. Get your answers now and contact one of our Seattle patronizing a prostitute lawyer today.

Time Is of the Essence - Call Now!

A criminal charge can affect you for the rest of your life. Speak with one of our criminal defense lawyers as soon as possible. Free initial consultation: (844) 311-8605

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