DOL Hearing

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Washington Department of Licensing Hearing

Getting Ready for Your WA DOL Hearing.

Do you like to drive? Do you use your car to get to work, to school, or run necessary errands throughout the day? If so, then having your driver’s license suspended for even a few weeks could cause all kinds of problems in your life. For some, it could even cost them their job.
If you have recently been arrested for a Washington drunk driving crime in Olympia, then you are probably wondering if there is any way you can prevent your driver’s license from being suspended. This is because most WA drunk driving convictions incur a mandatory driver’s license suspension.

After your arrest in Olympia, you only have 7 days to request a Washington State Department of Licensing hearing. At this hearing, the fate of your driving privileges will hang in the balance, but the ruling will determine whether your license is suspended, and the duration of the suspension. For this reason, it’s a good idea to be well prepared for your WA DOL hearing. Without some knowledge of the law it’s likely that your Washington Department of Licensing hearing will not go as you had hoped.

If your driver’s license is suspended you will have to carry expensive high-risk automobile insurance for three years after it is reinstated. Our Olympia DUI attorneys can help you prepare for your WA DOL hearing, and will do everything the law allows to keep you behind the wheel.


Getting Prepared For Your Washington DOL Hearing.

There is a lot of time and effort that must go into investigating any WA drunk driving case when you are charged with an Olympia DUI. There are reports that must be investigated and paperwork has to be filed with the court in timely manner. It is through this research that our Olympia DUI lawyers seek to find issues that could be used to build a defense before your Washington Department of Licensing Hearing.

Sometimes our legal professionals are able to find inconsistencies in the police reports written during and after your Olympia DUI. There could also be problems with certain blood alcohol measuring devices used to determine your level of intoxication. No one can claim that there are ever any guarantees, but this is the kind of evidence that could be used to defend you at your WA DOL hearing.

It’s also good to note that all of these efforts to establish a defense before your DOL hearing can be used in the criminal portion of your Olympia DUI defense. The criminal charges include mandatory penalties if convicted – expensive fines and jail time.

Don’t Waste Any More Time – Act Now.

A DUI arrest in Olympia is a stressful and embarrassing experience that can leave you feeling helpless and with few alternatives. Still, this is the time to take action quickly, so that your Olympia DUI attorney can be ready to fight for your rights at your Department of Licensing hearing.

For this reason you should not delay – contact one of our Olympia DUI lawyers today for a free case evaluation so that you can get a head start on your Washington DOL hearing. Our team of legal professionals will do everything legally possible to keep you validly licensed.

Call for a Free Consultation!

Get help from our Olympia DUI attorneys now. Our law offices serve Thurston County and all of Western Washington (844) 311-8605

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